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2023-05-25 23:22:25来源:互联网


导读 今天小红来为大家带来的是鳟鱼舒伯特钢琴基础教程,鳟鱼舒伯特,让我们一起往下看看吧!1、明亮的小河里面 有一条小鳟鱼 快活的游来游去...


1、明亮的小河里面 有一条小鳟鱼 快活的游来游去 像箭儿一样 我站在小河岸旁 静静的朝它望 在清清的河水里面 它游得 多欢畅 在清清的河水里面 它游得多欢畅 那渔夫带着钩竿 站在河岸旁 冷酷的看着它 想把鱼儿钓上 我心里这样期望 只要河水清又亮 他别想把小鳟鱼钓上岸 只要河水清又亮 他别想把小鳟鱼钓上岸 但渔夫不愿久等 浪费时光 他赶忙搅浑河水 我还来不及想 把小鳟鱼钓上岸 我满怀激愤的心情看小鳟鱼上了当 我满怀激愤的心情看小鳟鱼上了当 Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart In a limpid brooklet the skittish trout darted about in joyous haste like an arrow. 1 stood on the bank and in quiet contentment watched the merry little fish bathing in the clear stream. An angler with his rod stood on the bank and cold-bloodedly watched the fish disporting itself. So long as the water remains clear, I thought, he will not catch the trout with his rod. But at last the thief tired of waiting. Maliciously he muddied the brook, and before I realized it, his rod quivered with the fish writhing on it; and I, my blood boiling, gazed at the victimized creature。


